日 | 落译介计划是媒体实验室落日间对一些有助于思考游戏/电子游戏的外文文本翻译和推荐/索引/策展计划。

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游戏设计 On Game Design

MDA 框架:一种游戏设计和游戏研究的形式化方法 MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research (2004)(翻译:彭晴雯 姚诗雨,推荐:熊拖泥)

Marc LeBlanc 创造戏剧化游戏动态的工具 Creating Dramatic Game Dynamics (2005)(翻译:马远哲)

Douglas Wilson, Miguel Sicart 现在就要针对你:虐待性游戏设计 Now It's Personal: On Abusive Game Design (2010)(翻译:罗皓曦)

Chris Bell 面向友情的设计 Designing For Friendship (2012)

Liz England「门的难题」The Door Problem (2014)

Steven Harmon「厕所难题」The Toilet Problem (2017)

桜井政博 Masahiro Sakurai 产生和提高游戏乐趣的规律是? ゲームの面白さを生み、より高めるための法則とは? (2017)(翻译:罗峻旸)

EGW 实验性玩法工作坊是什么? What is Experimental Gameplay Workshop (2022)

Eddy Luten 什么是 OpenGL?What is OpenGL?(2014)

Claire Morwood 给所有人的 Bitsy 游戏制作教程 A Bitsy Tutorial (2017)

Brendan Keogh 游戏学校也是艺术学校?当没有工作岗位时如何教授游戏开发 Are games art school? How to teach game development when there are no jobs (2019)

游戏作者 Game-Auteurs

宫崎英高 Hidetaka Miyazaki | 把死亡视作特性而非错误 Sees Death as a Feature, Not a Bug (2022)

宫崎英高:现实晦暗如谜 | 落日间

Pippin Barr 访谈 | 我在做「特洛伊木马」

Tracy Fullerton 访谈 | 何为独立,何为实验(翻译:姚诗雨,校对:Claire Hu,推荐:Xin Ye/Cloud)

Anna Anthropy 访谈|游戏行业的边缘(翻译:Rotasy,推荐:deimos)

游戏研究 - 研究 Research On Game Studies

Espen Aarseth 电脑游戏研究,第一年 Computer Game Studies, Year One (2001)

Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Michael Waltemathe, Xenia Zeiler 电子游玩,「来玩吧」,和宗教:游文化环境研究的相关性 Video Gaming, Let’s Plays and, Religion: The Relevance of Researching gamevironments (2014) (Warren Liu - 松果)

Frank Lantz 游戏不是媒体 Games Are Not Media (2009)

Ian Bogost 电子游戏是一团乱 Videogames are a Mess (2009)

Eric Zimmerman 游玩世纪宣言:21世纪将被游戏定义 Manifesto: The 21st Century Will Be Defined By Games (2013)

Ian Bogost 获胜不是全部 Winning Isn’t Everything (2014)

David Kanaga 《游玩世纪宣言》笔记与计算炼金术 Notes On Eric Zimmerman's "Manifesto for a Ludic Century" (2013)

Ian Bogost 为什么除了游戏以外的任何事都很重要 Why Anything but Games Matters (2014)

Mark Hansen & Myron Krueger 设计身体与虚拟现实(沙皮狗)

Brendan Keogh 穿越世界和身体 Across Worlds and Bodies (2014)(翻译:cherrybomb)

Rune Klevjer 计算机游戏中的义肢控制现象学 Enter the Avatar: The Phenomenology of Prosthetic Telepresence in Computer Game (2012)

Jesper Juul, Rune Klevjer 化身 Avatar (2016)(翻译:大目妖)

Frank Lantz 谈判 Parley (2015)

Ian Bogost 游戏研究,第十五年 Game Studies, Year Fifteen (2015)

Celia Pearce 游戏作为艺术:玩的美学 Games as Art: The Aesthetics of Play (2006)

Em Reed 电子游戏艺术展览策略 Exhibition Strategies for Videogames in Art Institutions: Blank Arcade (2017)

Rosa Carbó-Mascarell 步行模拟器:美学实践的数字化 Walking Simulators: The Digitisation of an Aesthetic Practice (2016)

Oscar Barda 我花了十六年找到了对游戏的定义 How I found a definition of games after searching for 16 years (2016)

ICI 做 do it (home) PART I (2020)

Alexander R. Galloway 不在运作的界面 Unworkable Interface (2008)

Maxwell Foxman 团结则立:Unity 引擎带来的平台、工具与创新 United We Stand: Platforms, Tools and Innovation With the Unity Game Engine (2019)

Slavoj Žižek 意识形态是原始的增强现实 Ideology Is the Original Augmented Reality (2017)(校对:傅善超)

Julian Kücklich 不稳定的玩工:模组创作者与数字游戏产业 Precarious Playbour: Modders and the Digital Games Industry (2005)(翻译:Taoistpunk 卷毛菌丝)

Joost Raessens, Jos de Mul, Michiel de Lange, Sybille Lammes, Valerie Frissen 游戏的人 2.0:游玩,媒介与身份 Homo Ludens 2.0:Play, Media, and Identity (2015)(翻译:刘凯然)

Constant Nieuwenhuys 新巴比伦 New Babylon (1974)(校对:大目妖)

Harun Farocki 平行I-IV Parallel I-IV (2014)(校对:徐露)

Thomas Elsaesser 模拟与不可见性的劳动:哈伦·法罗基的生活手册 Simulation and the Labour of Invisibility: Harun Farocki's Life Manuals (2017)(校对:徐露)

IanBogost & Nick Montfort 新媒体作为材料约束:平台研究导论 New Media as Material Constraint: An Introduction to Platform Studies (2007)(翻译:俞果,校对:和尚)

叙事 - 故事 - 戏剧 - 游戏 Narratives - Theater - Play - Story - Game

Charles Deemer 什么是超文本?What is Hypertext?(1994)

Charles Deemer 新的超戏剧 THE NEW HYPERDRAMA (1999)(推荐:孙晓星)

Ellen Blumenstein 什么是讲座表演?WHAT IS LECTURE PERFORMANCE? (2011)

Mary Fuller & Henry Jenkins 任天堂与“新世界旅行”书写——电子游戏与殖民史的隐喻同构 Nintendo and New World Travel Writing (1995)(沙皮狗)

Janet Murray 从游戏-故事到赛博戏剧 From Game-Story to Cyberdrama (2004) with responds from Espen Aaserth, Bryan Loyall(翻译:叶梓涛)

Gonzalo Frasca 被压迫者的电子游戏:批判性思考,教育,宽容和其他琐碎之事 Videogames of the Oppressed: critical thinking, education, tolerance and other trivial issues (2004)(翻译:叶梓涛,校对:鹭鸶)

Chaz Evans 布莱希特式、荒诞主义和贫穷电子游戏:以软件为基础的体验的替代性戏剧模型 The Brechtian, Absurdist, and Poor Video Game: Alternative Theatrical Models of Software-based Experience (2014)(翻译:叶梓涛,校对:鹭鸶)

Marie-Laure Ryan 给游戏研究的叙事学 Narratology for Game Studies (2023)(翻译:吠人)

Astrid Ensslin 作为非自然叙事的电子游戏 Video Games as Unnatural Narratives (2015)(何力沛-吠人-叶梓涛)

Jonathan Lessard, Dominic Aresenault 作为主观界面的角色 The Character as Subjective Interface (2016)(翻译:CheeseTalk - 叶梓涛)

Matt Margini 《全息甲板上的哈姆雷特》二十年后 "Hamlet on the Holodeck," Twenty Years Later|The New Yorker (2017)

Jonathan Lessard & Dominic Aresenault 作为主观界面的角色 The Character as Subjective Interface (2016)(翻译:CheeseTalk,校对:叶梓涛)

Sarah Lynne Bowman 出血:玩家与角色之间的渗透作用 Bleed: The Spillover Between Player and Character (2015)(翻译:若愚,校对:唐宸尧)

Sarah & Kjell 真实存在的魔法:角色扮演如何改变我们的身份、社区和人生 (2021)(翻译:若愚,校对:唐宸尧)

Sarah Lynne Bowman 角色扮演游戏如何改变玩家?(主持:若愚)

Meguey Baker 跟着线走:世界创建指南 Follow The Thread: A Worldbuilding Guide(翻译:叶梓涛,校对:yanqin)

Emily Short 超越分支:基于变量、相关性和检查点叙事的结构 Beyond Branching: Quality-Based, Salience-Based, and Waypoint Narrative Structures (2017)(瑟瑟)

游戏 - 赌博 - 耗费 Game - Gambling - Consuming

George Bataille 我们的存在是为了游戏吗? 还是为了保持严肃?Sommes-nous là pour jouer? ou pour être sérieux? (1951)(校对:Guangni)

F.N David 游戏、众神与赌博 Games, Gods and gambling (1962)

Heather Wardle 处在游戏与赌博交织的模糊地带 Games Without Frontiers? Socio-historical Perspectives at the Gaming/Gambling Intersection (2021) chapter 3,4 (翻译:唐宸尧,校对:叶梓涛)

女性 - 游戏 Feminism - Game

Sarah Banet-Weiser 能力:会编程的女孩和讨厌她们的男孩 COMPETENCE:Girls Who Code and Boys Who Hate Them (2018)(翻译:蝈蝈,校对:Rotasy, 罗皓曦)

Robert Mejia, Barbara LeSavoy 电子游戏图形的性政治 The Sexual Politics of Video Game Graphics (2018)(翻译:Rotasy,校对:罗皓曦,叶梓涛)

人工智能-游戏 AI - Game

Mark Riedl 人工智能故事生成导论 Introduction to AI Story Generation (2021)(翻译:厌氧菌)

Chris Crawford 为什么我不再进行互动叙事的研究 Why I am ending further work on interactive storytelling (2018)(翻译:DoggyFC)

自然 - 涌现 - 游戏 Physis - Emergence - Game

David Hestenes 牛顿世界中的建模游戏 Modeling games in the Newtonian World (1992)

Jonathan Blow 游戏设计的真如 Truth in Game Design (2011)(翻译:厌氧菌)

David Krakauer 与达尔文下围棋 Playing Go with Darwin (2020)

Stephen Wolfram 作为多重计算系统的游戏和谜题 Games and Puzzles as Multicomputational Systems (2022)(翻译:厌氧菌)

Sue Allen 面向学习的设计:超越娱乐的科学博物馆展品研究 Designs for Learning: Studying Science Museum Exhibits That Do More Than Entertain (2004)(翻译:草原张)

新闻 - 现实 - 游戏 News - Reality - Game

Miguel Sicart 新闻游戏:理论与设计 Newsgames: Theory and Design (2008)

Florent Maurin 什么是受现实启发的游戏 What Reality-inspired Games are (2016)(翻译:罗皓曦)

Pierre Corbinais 让游戏写作具有真实感的建议 tips for writing a game that feels real (2018)(翻译:罗皓曦)

Shuen-shing Lee 我输故我思:按钮炫目的战争中对沉思的一次追寻 I Lose, Therefore I Think: A Search for Contemplation amid Wars of Push-Button Glare (2003)

笑 - 幽默 - 游戏 Laughter - Humour - Game

Claire Dormann, Pippin Barr, Robert Biddle 幽默理论与电子游戏:杀戮中的笑声 Humour Theory and Videogames:Laughter in the Slaughter (2006)(翻译:运远潼)

环保 - 游戏 Green - Game

Lewis Gordon 电子游戏能改变人们对气候问题的想法吗?Can video games change people's minds about the climate crisis? (2023)(翻译:易森,校对:沙皮狗)

音乐 - 游戏 Audio - Music - Game

Brian Eno 生成性音乐 Generative Music "Evolving metaphors, in my opinion, is what artists do." (1996)

Peter Lido《月尘 Moondust》:音乐游戏意想不到的祖先 The unexpected forefather of music games (2016)

历史 - 战争 - 游戏 History - War - Game

Adam Chapman, Anna Foka & Jonathan Westin 什么是历史游戏研究?Introduction: What is Historical Game Studies? (2016)(翻译:刘梦霏)

William Uricchio 模拟,历史与电脑游戏 Simulation, History and Computer Games (2005)(翻译:邱时)

Andrew Denning 深度游戏?电子游戏和历史想象 Deep Play? Video Games and the Historical Imaginary (2021)(校对:刘凯然)

Tuur Ghys 科技树:历史策略游戏中的自由与决定论 Technology Trees: Freedom and Determinism in Historical Strategy Games (2012)(翻译:王玉 校对:苗青)

Dom Ford 4X 《文明 5》中后殖民历史的情动书写及教育 「eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate」: Affective Writing of Postcolonial History and Education in Civilization V (2016)(翻译:索普 校对:邱时)

Paul Virilio 爱与运气的游戏 The Game of Love and Chance (1995)

Chris Marker 非记忆 Immemory (1997)(校对:沙皮狗)

André Habib 当我们和克里斯·马克玩历史游戏时,我们在玩什么?À Quel Jeu Joue-t-on Quand On Joue À L’Histoire Avec Chris Marker? (2006)(校对:Guangni)

游戏宣言研究 Research of Video Game Manifesto

Greg Costikyan 零钱游戏宣言 Scratchware Manifesto (2000)

Paolo Pedercini 软工业宣言 Molleindustria Manifesto (2003)

Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn 实时艺术宣言 REALTIME ART MANIFESTO (2006)

Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn 超越游戏 Over Game | 非游戏 notgames (2010)

TJ Thomas 创造另类游戏与艺术场景 Creating Alternative Game & Art Scenes (2015)

Zoë Quinn 朋克游戏 Punk Games (2015)

Robert Yang 并非宣言:作为文化工作的游戏开发 Not a manifesto; on game development as cultural work(2015)

Pietro Righi Riva 抛离:非传统可玩性媒体宣言 rejecta:nontraditional playable media manifesto (2016)

Jordan Magnuson 电子游戏是诗 Videos are poems (2023)

控制论-游戏 Cybernetics - Games

Arturo Rosenblueth,Norbert Wiener and Julian Bigelow 行为,目的与目的论 Behavior, Purpose and Teleology (1943)(校对:大目妖)

Gregory Bateson 一种玩和幻想的理论 A Theory of Play and Fantasy (1954)

Gregory Bateson 从凡尔赛到控制论 From Versailles to Cybernetics (1966)

Gregory Bateson 「自我」的控制论:酗酒的理论 The Cybernetics of "Self": A Theory of Alcoholism (1971)

Heinz von Foerster 控制论的控制论 Cybernetics of Cybernetics (1979)(翻译:大目妖)

Claus Pias 控制论时代 Age of Cybernetics (2016)(翻译:大目妖)

Seth Giddings 与非人类游玩:作为技术文化形式的电子游戏 Playing With Non-Humans: Digital Games as Techno-Cultural Form (2005)(叶梓涛 - 大目妖)

文化遗产-数字人文-游戏 - Cultural Heritage - Digital Humanities - Game

Steven E. Jones 新媒体和建模:游戏与数字人文 New Media and Modeling (2015)

Elizabeth LaPensée 《当河流还是小径时》:给文化遗产与电子游戏的启示 When Rivers Were Trails: cultural expression in an indigenous video game (2021)

Stella Wisdom 访谈丨用游戏唤醒历史,大英图书馆的数字收藏实践 Interview with Stella Wisdom, Digital Curator at the British Library (2021)

游戏作为方法 - 「研究创作」研究 Game as Method

Ian Bogost 游戏化是屁话 Gamification is Bullshit (2011)

Stefano Gualeni 什么是哲学游戏 What is a Philosophical Game (2022)

Jesper Juul 电子游戏物的游戏:关于我们何时将像素视为物体而非图片的极简理论 The Game of Video Game Objects: A Minimal Theory of when we see Pixels as Objects rather than Pictures (2021)

Bruno Latour 视觉化与认知:把事物画在一起 Visualisation and Cognition: Drawing Things Together (1986)(校对:徐露)

Todd Presner,Jeffrey Schnapp 数字人文宣言 2.0 The Digital Humanities Manifesto V2 (2008)

Julian Klein 什么是用艺术的方法做研究? What is Artistic Research? (2011)

Silvia Henke, Dieter Mersch.. 艺术式研究宣言 Manifesto of Artistic Research (2020)(校对:徐露)

Jussi Parikka 实验室想象:思辨实践的原址 The Lab Imaginary: Speculative Practices In Situ (2017)(校对:徐露)

Alexander R. Galloway 我如何用软件建模居伊·德波的头脑 How I Modeled Guy Debord's Brain in Software (2022) 翻译已正式发布于 ROMchip Vol.4 No.2 Dec 2022(校对:徐露)

Bret Victor 可探索的解释 Explorable Explanations (2011)

Michael Nielsen 重塑解释 Reinventing Explanation (2014)

Nicky Case 可探索的解释 Explorable Explanations (2014-2015)

Nicky Case 行之明也 I Do And I Understand (2015)

Nicky Case 我如何制作可探索的解释 How I Make Explorable Explanations (2017)

Nicky Case 可探索的解释:四种更多的设计模式 Explorable Explanations: 4 More Design Patterns (2018)

John Seabrook 威尔·莱特:游戏大师 Game Master (2006)(翻译:张楚)

心理健康 - 游戏 Mental Health - Game

René Roussillon 游戏与潜能 Le jeu et le potentiel (2004)(校对:小柏,推荐:乔晓萌)

Chris Priestman 有关「自我关照」的游戏正是我们现在所需要的 Videogames about self-care are exactly what we need right now (2016)

Dr.Jocelyn Sze 认知行为疗法是为黑客们准备的 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is for Hackers (2013)

Carolyn Mehlomakulu 电子游戏能有疗效吗? Can Video Games Be Therapeutic? (2012)

Rami Ismail 冥想游戏是什么? What are the Meditations Games (2019)

Theresa Fleming 临床心理学中的严肃游戏与游戏化 Serious Games and Gamification in Clinical Psychology (2022)(翻译:李禹虬,校对:乔晓萌)


Ian Bogost 没有角色的电子游戏更好 Video Games Are Better Without Characters (2015)

Ian Bogost 没有故事的电子游戏更好Video Games Are Better Without Story (2017)

此文引起的关于游戏叙事讨论:电子游戏究竟要不要讲故事?我翻译了北美游戏圈的一次“互撕” (Aaron Suduiko | Death is a whale | Patrick Klepek | Robert B.Marks)

Ian Bogost 没有游戏性的电子游戏更好 Video Games Are Better Without Gameplay (2019)

Ian Bogost 元宇宙不是什么好东西 The Metaverse Is Bad (2021)

Ian Bogost 解谜崇高 Puzzling the sublime (2015)

Ian Bogost 为什么游戏化是胡说八道 Why Gamification Is Bullshit (2015)


Anna Anthropy 现在我们有了发言权 NOW WE HAVE VOICES (2012)

Nicky Case 如果游戏和游戏叙事一样... If Games Were Like Game Stories... (2014)

Claudia Molinari 正念游戏设计宣言 Mindful Game Design Manifesto (2018)

Paolo Pedercini 如何在业余时间打造自己的快闪街机厅 CAN YOU BE LIKE LIKELIKE? Running a pop-up arcade in your spare time (2019)

Bennett Foddy 挫折十一味 Eleven Flavors Of Frustration (2017)

Stuffed Wombat 什么是小游戏 The Small Game (2020)

设计游戏的三种方式 The Three Ways Of Designing Games (2019)

创造机制,但别忘掉游戏 Make mechanics & forget the game (2019)

Lorenzo Pilia:小游戏小观点 On Small Games (2018)

Adam Le Doux 怪游戏引擎赞美诗 in praise of weird game engines (2022)

Ebeth Norvell 小游戏宣言 Small Game Manifesto(2018)

Ludipe 我杯茶宣言 My cup of tea manifesto (2018)

nbmach1ne 我想做这样的游戏 The Games I Want to Make (2022)

EGW 实验性游戏工作坊2023年更新 Experimental Game Workshop 2023 Update! (2023)


Jonathan Blow 电子游戏与教育的未来 Video Games and the Future of Education (2014)



Raph Koster 游戏的成本 The cost of games (2018)

Jonathan Blow 阻止文明倒塌 Preventing the Collapsing of Civilization (2019)

Brian Moriarty 诗篇四十六的秘密 The Secret of Psalm 46 (2002)


Espen Aaserth 游戏研究怎么玩:给渴望做游戏研究的学者们的十点建议 Game Studies: How to play -- Ten play-tips for the aspiring game-studies scholar (2019)


Vilém Flusser 游戏 Jogos (1967)

Rashel @indienova

Paolo Pedercini 线上展览记:LIKELIKE Notes on Online Exhibition: LIKELIKE (2020)

一起玩派对游戏吧:走访纽约街机酒吧 Wonderville 进行的采访 以做艺术馆的方式运营一家酒吧街机厅:Mark Kleback 专访


Mark Brown 如何分析游戏,如何表达观点 How to analyze the game and express opinions (2018)


James Paul Gee 《游戏改变学习:游戏素养、批判性思维与未来教育》致中国读者 What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy (2003) - To Chinese Readers (2018)


Deanna van Buren 游戏中的建筑学 Architecture in Video Games: Designing for Impact (2015)


Adam Jasper 哈伦·法罗基最后的项目 The Last Project of Harun Farocki (2017)


Gilbert Simondon 《论技术物的存在模式》导论 Du mode d’existence des objets techniques - Introduction (1958)


Olli Sotamaa 作为人工制品的电子游戏 Artifact (2013)

The Ordinary

Jesper Juul 访谈 Jonathan Blow:独立游戏、文学及视觉风格(上) INTERVIEW WITH JONATHAN BLOW (2018)

Jesper Juul 访谈 Jonathan Blow:独立游戏、文学及视觉风格(下) INTERVIEW WITH JONATHAN BLOW (2018)


Espen Aarseth 一种游戏叙事理论 A Narrative Theory of Games (2012)

Ella Hoeppner 规划扰乱 Plan Disruption (2017)


Bernard Stiegler 眼之舌:「艺术史」意味着什么 The Tongue of the Eye: What "Art History" Means (2013)

Gilles Deleuze 什么是创造行为?Qu'est-ce que l'acte de création? (1987)

阵地 Le Front

David Graeber 如果我们不玩,那还有什么意义? What's the Point If We Can't Have Fun? (2014)

观察者的技术 Techniques of Observer

Alexander R. Galloway 第一人称射击游戏的起源 Origins of the First-Person Shooter (2006)

Marco Benoît Carbone 论游戏作为媒介的研究 On The Study of Games as Media (2021)

Jos de Mul 游戏是哲学的真正官能——游玩本体论:谢林、赫伊津哈、博尔赫斯及其他 Games as the True Organon of Philosophy. Playful ontologies: Schelling, Huizinga, Borges and beyond (2021)(翻译:马妮,校对:邢立军)

日 | 落译介计划 sunset project 更希望成为混乱信息流中的一个汇流点,是松散的标记。所以如果你认为你在自己的网站或平台上发布了不错的文章,欢迎附上日 | 落译介计划的说明标签,以及该网站的网址 xpaidia.com/sunset-project,并发送邮件到 yzitao@foxmail.com 通知我,我会定期更新这里的推荐部分,将你的译文收入进来。谢谢!

文章的推荐与 curation 带有落日间主观趣味,还请谅解。

主理人:叶梓涛 Zitao YE


斯蒂格勒中文网 | 德勒兹研讨班 | 菌群反应器 | 明德影像
游戏的人档案馆 | 游戏研究网络 Game Scholars Network(GSN)

❤ 感谢落日间的赞助者们!

