
叙事 - 故事 - 戏剧 - 游戏 Narratives - Theater - Play - Story - Game

Charles Deemer 什么是超文本?What is Hypertext?(1994)

Charles Deemer 新的超戏剧 THE NEW HYPERDRAMA (1999)(推荐:孙晓星)

Ellen Blumenstein 什么是讲座表演?WHAT IS LECTURE PERFORMANCE? (2011)

Mary Fuller & Henry Jenkins 任天堂与“新世界旅行”书写——电子游戏与殖民史的隐喻同构 Nintendo and New World Travel Writing (1995)(沙皮狗)

Janet Murray 从游戏-故事到赛博戏剧 From Game-Story to Cyberdrama (2004) with responds from Espen Aaserth, Bryan Loyall(翻译:叶梓涛)

Gonzalo Frasca 被压迫者的电子游戏:批判性思考,教育,宽容和其他琐碎之事 Videogames of the Oppressed: critical thinking, education, tolerance and other trivial issues (2004)(翻译:叶梓涛,校对:鹭鸶)

Chaz Evans 布莱希特式、荒诞主义和贫穷电子游戏:以软件为基础的体验的替代性戏剧模型 The Brechtian, Absurdist, and Poor Video Game: Alternative Theatrical Models of Software-based Experience (2014)(翻译:叶梓涛,校对:鹭鸶)

Marie-Laure Ryan 给游戏研究的叙事学 Narratology for Game Studies (2023)(翻译:吠人)

Astrid Ensslin 作为非自然叙事的电子游戏 Video Games as Unnatural Narratives (2015)(何力沛-吠人-叶梓涛)

Jonathan Lessard, Dominic Aresenault 作为主观界面的角色 The Character as Subjective Interface (2016)(翻译:CheeseTalk - 叶梓涛)

Matt Margini 《全息甲板上的哈姆雷特》二十年后 "Hamlet on the Holodeck," Twenty Years Later|The New Yorker (2017)

Jonathan Lessard & Dominic Aresenault 作为主观界面的角色 The Character as Subjective Interface (2016)(翻译:CheeseTalk,校对:叶梓涛)

Sarah Lynne Bowman 出血:玩家与角色之间的渗透作用 Bleed: The Spillover Between Player and Character (2015)(翻译:若愚,校对:唐宸尧)
