游戏研究营地 Game Studies Camp(GSC)

游戏研究营地(GSC, Game Studies Camp)是落日间所支持的独立的游戏学术研究 & 创作阵地与社群共同体。我们希望面向国内的青年游戏研究者,基于突破边界的实验精神,连接制作与思考,探索一种研究、创造与传播的新工作方式。酝酿实验性的生产,重塑对研究的想象。

Game Studies Camp (GSC) is an indie academic shelter and game research & creation community supported by Sunset-Sway Media Lab. We hope to target young game researchers, based on the experimental spirit of breaking through boundaries, connecting production and thinking, and exploring a new way of working in research, creation and dissemination. Brewing experimental production and reshaping the imagination of research.

游戏研究小篝火 Game Studies Campfire

「游戏研究小篝火」是游戏研究营地(GSC)所发起的青年游戏研究者访谈计划,力图记录旅经或常驻营地的青年游戏研究者的对话。我们试图为营地中相聚的旅者,提供篝火边的闲暇,营造一个在温暖中开放自由交谈的氛围,增添一个陌生人相识进而结伴同行的起点。我们倾听、记录正发生着的游戏研究冒险者们带来的不同故事, 为后人书写游戏研究「英雄史诗」保留更为多元的面孔、更为真实诚挚的记忆。

Game Studies Campfire is an interview program for young game researchers initiated by Game Studies Camp (GSC), which seeks to record the conversations of young game researchers who travel through or reside in the camp. We try to provide a place for travelers to meet at the camp to hang out by the campfire, to create an atmosphere of open and free conversation in the warmth, and to add a starting point for strangers to meet each other and then travel together. We listen to and record the different stories brought by the adventurers of game research, so as to preserve more diversified faces and truer and more sincere memories for future generations to write the "heroic epic" of game research.

如何开始历史游戏研究?How to start historical game studies? (卢雅怀-刘凯然-叶梓涛)

不存在的展品:游戏与博物馆数字化 Exhibits That Don't Exist: Games and the Digitization of Museums (蒋涵-叶梓涛)

电子游戏作为快感治理术 Video Games as Governmentality of Pleasure(傅善超-叶梓涛)

赛博文本中的幽灵作者 Ghost Writer in Cybertext (厌氧菌-叶梓涛)

没有 AI 天生就是小聪明蛋儿 No AI is born a little smarty-pants (孙羽茜-叶梓涛)

熊硕:给所有人的游戏学导论 Xiong Shuo: An Introduction to Ludology for Everyone (熊硕-叶梓涛)

国际游戏研究小篝火 International Game Studies Campfire


"International Game Studies Campfire is an international game research exchange program initiated by Game Studies Camp (GSC). We hope to invite scholars/creators from various disciplines at home and abroad to have open and in-depth sharing and exchanges around game research/design in the form of lectures, podcasts, videos, workshops, conference, and publications. We hope that Chinese game research discussions and creations can be played together with overseas friends from all over the world!

#1 - Sarah Lynne Bowman

Sarah Lynne Bowman 出血:玩家与角色之间的渗透作用 Bleed: The Spillover Between Player and Character (2015) - Translation (文若愚-RMHO)

Sarah & Kjell 真实存在的魔法:角色扮演如何改变我们的身份、社区和人生 Magic is Real: How Role-playing Can Transform Our Identities, Our Communities, and Our Lives (2021) - Translation (文若愚)

Sarah Lynne Bowman变革性的角色扮演游戏导论 Introduction to Transformative Role-playing Game Theory - 2024/3/17 Online Lecture (主持:文若愚)- Lecture Recording & transcript 录屏和文字稿:角色扮演游戏如何改变玩家?How Role-Playing Games Change Players

游戏研究营地小作坊 Game Studies Camp Workshop (计划中 under planning)


The "Game Study Camp Workshop" is an international workshop program for game artists/scholars initiated by the Game Studies Camp (GSC). We hope to set up various workshop formats for in-depth participation and exchange, both online and offline, and invite scholars/creators/artists/ DungeonMaster & Keeper from various disciplines at home and abroad through a reasonable-negotiated and transparent pricing and sharing model, so as to allow more people to interact and exchange ideas, connect thinking and production, and engage in open and in-depth co-creativity and start POIESIS around game research/design!

成员 Members

叶梓涛 Zitao YE 落日间创始人,实验游戏制作者,独立研究者 founder of Sunset-Sway Media Lab, experimental game maker, indie researcher.

刘凯然 Kellan Liu 清华大学历史学硕士,北京大学数字人文研究中心科研助理,历史游戏研究者 M.A. in History from Tsinghua University, RA at the Research Center for Digital Humanities of Peking University, Historical Game Researcher.

卢雅怀 Yahuai Lu 北京大学科技哲学硕士, 北京大学中世纪史与教会史博士, 中共江西省委党校助理研究员, 游戏研究者, 改革开放史研究者 M.A. in Philosophy of Science and Technology from Peking University, Ph.D in Medieval History and Church History from Peking University. Assistant Professor, Party School of Jiangxi Provincial Committee of CPC, Game Researcher, Reform and Opening Up History Researcher.

文若愚 Ruoyu Wen 乌普萨拉大学游戏设计硕士,坎特伯雷大学人机交互博士,ARG设计师,游戏设计师。 M.A. in Game Design, at Uppsala University. Ph.D. in Human-computer Interaction, University of Canterbury, ARG designer, Game Designer.

徐露 Xu Lu 四川大学文艺学在读博士, 科学史图书馆的一份子。PhD candidate in Literary and Art Theory at Sichuan University, Participant at the Library of the History of Science.

蒋涵 Han Jiang 莱斯特大学博物馆学博士,设计研究者,数字文化研究者。PhD in Museum Studies, University of Leicester, design researcher, digital culture researcher.

傅善超 Shan-Chao Fu 北京大学中文系博士,独立学者,目前主要致力于用事件哲学重构游戏研究的基础,以及反过来借助电子游戏重构事件哲学 Ph.D, Department of Chinese Languages and Literature, Peking University, independent scholar, recently focused on reformulating the foundation of game studies with the philosophy of Event, and vice versa.

厌氧菌 Cyan Wang 计算机科学博士, AI 科学家, Autodesk Research 研究员, 游戏叙事研究博主(, 研究方向包括 AI 辅助设计, 计算创意学, 知识表示和推理。论文发表于 AAAI (AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence), TPLP (Theory and Practice of Logic Programming), KR (Knowledge Representation), JELIA (European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence), HHAI (Hybrid Human AI) 等国际会议和期刊。Ph.D in Computer Science, AI Research Scientist in Autodesk Research. Research interests include hybrid human-AI design workflows, computational creativity, knowledge representation and reasoning. see Google Scholar

孙羽茜 Yuqian Sun 皇家艺术学院博士候选人,艺术家,专注于 AI 对话系统在艺术和游戏领域的跨界研究。AI 原生游戏<1001夜>主创。研究与作品发表于SIGGRAPH, AIIDE, FDG, DiGRA, CHI Interactivity, CVPR Art Gallery, 艾厂 AI 艺术中心, 韩国光华门广场和纽约时代广场等顶级展览与会议。Yuqian Sun is a Ph.D. candidate at the Royal College of Art, an artist focusing on interdisciplinary research of conversational AI agents in art and gaming. Founder of AI-native game <1001 Nights>. Her research and works have been published and exhibited at top conferences and exhibitions, including SIGGRAPH, AIIDE, FDG, DiGRA, CHI Interactivity, CVPR Art Gallery, Aiiiii Art Center, Seoul Gwanghwamun Plaza, and Times Square in New York.

陈老巨 Lizhi Chen 剧场艺术家。北京大学物理系本科,核工程硕士;纽约莎拉劳伦斯学院戏剧艺术硕士,目前中央戏剧学院数字戏剧系,戏剧人工智能方向博士在读。剧场作品受邀参加北京青年戏剧节,阿那亚戏剧节,乌镇戏剧节,深圳戏剧双年展等 theater artist. B.S. in Physics and M.E. of Nuclear Technology from Peking University; MFA in Theater from Sarah Lawrence College, New York, currently a Ph.D. candidate in Digital Theater at the Central Academy of Drama, focusing on theatrical AI. Theater works have been invited to participate in the Beijing Fringe Festival, the Aranya Theater Festival, the Wuzhen Theater Festival, and the Shenzhen Contemporary Theater Biennale.

刘圣雨 Shengyu Liu 落日间合伙人,圣安德鲁斯大学电影研究硕士,影像研究者,游戏开发者,综合媒介创作者 MLitt of Film Studies at University of St Andrews, co-founder of Sunset-Sway, image researcher, game developer, multimedia creator.

韩宇华 Yuhua Han 南开大学数学博士,北京大学艺术学院博士后,游戏研究学者,主要关注电子游戏的存在论与艺术理论,事件哲学与游戏研究基础的互相重构。Ph.D in Mathematics at Nankai University, PostDoc at School of Arts Peking University, Scholar in Game Studies, mainly focused on the ontology and art theories of videogames, especially the interaction between the philosophy of Event and game studies.

Joanna Lyu 南加大电影学院游戏设计本科,情報科学芸術大学院大学 [IAMAS] 媒体艺术硕士在读。游戏设计师和多媒体艺术家,曾任职于游戏大厂。创作领域包括交互式虚拟环境 / 3DCG、audio / visual 和互动装置,主要关注跨媒体叙事和通过游玩建立人、公共空间和社会问题之间联系的可能性。B.A. Interactive Media and Game Design at University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, M.A. candidate at Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences. Game designer and multimedia artist. Her practice spans across interactive virtual environments/3DCG, audiovisual live performances and installations. She is interested in transmedia storytelling and making interactive works exploring the connections between humans, public spaces, and profound societal questions. (see )

罗皓曦 Haoxi Luo 香港中文大学文化研究系博士候选人,游戏文化研究者,在历史性当下重新定位电子游戏。PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Game culture researcher. Reposition video games in historical present.

运远潼 Yuantong Yun 清华大学互动媒体设计与技术(IMDT)专业硕士,清华大学人机语音交互实验室(THU HCSI LAB)科研助理,北京航空航天大学信息类专业本科,科幻作品爱好者、创作者,流浪猫狗救助志愿者,喜剧化设计研究者,研究方向包括基于实验游戏的人类笑行为实证研究、人机交互中笑声的音源分离与合成、含副语言要素在内的情感化语音识别、基于 Diffusion 的音乐驱动舞蹈动画生成技术、高表现力语音生成(Expressive TTS)大模型等。 Edward YUN, Master of Electronic Information in Interactive Media Design and Technology (IMDT) at Tsinghua University and a research assistant at the Tsinghua University Human-Computer Speech Interaction Laboratory (THU HCSI LAB), holds a bachelor's degree in Information Science from Beihang University. He is a enthusiast and creator of sci-fi works, a volunteer for stray animal rescue, a researcher in comedic design, and his research interests include empirical studies of human laughter behavior based on experimental games, source separation and synthesis of laughter in human-computer interaction(HCI), emotional speech recognition including paralinguistic elements, music-driven dance animation generation technology based on Diffusion, and large models for highly expressive text-to-speech (Expressive TTS).

曾晟琳 Shenglin Zeng 华中师范大学文艺学在读硕士,游戏叙事研究者,Bitsy 游戏《好小狗行为手册》创作者。M.A. candidate in Literary and Art Theory at Central China Normal University, ludonarratology researcher, Bitsy game maker (see more in

李小宙 Xiaozhou Li 萨塞克斯大学媒体学博士生,UCL 博物馆学硕士,博物馆研究者,电子游戏研究者,业余艺术家 Doctoral researcher in Media & communications at Sussex, MA Museum Studies UCL, video game researcher, museum studies researcher, full-time amateur artist.

宋子文 Ziwen Song 瑞典舍夫德大学游戏用户研究硕士,曾于丹麦皇家艺术学院交换学习,给独立游戏做过PR,喜欢游戏研究,游戏历史,游戏设计和互动装置。Ziwen Song (mike) has a master’s degree in games user research from the University of Skövde. He also studied Visual Game and Media Design at the Royal Danish Academy under the Erasmus program. Before that, he worked behind the scenes for IGF China 2015 and later worked as PR for several Chinese indie studios. His interest and practices span from game studies, game history, game/level design as well as interactive art.

曹洁然 Jieran Cao 华东师范大学思勉人文高等研究院青年研究员、中文系讲师,美国布朗大学比较文学学士、西北大学德语文学博士。主要研究领域:现当代德语文学,批判理论,新媒体研究和游戏美学理论,研究发表于 Germanic Review, German Quarterly, Games and Cultures, the Journal for Cultural Research, CHI Conference 等等。播客《世界莫名其妙物语》主播。Jan Cao is junior researcher at Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and lecturer in the department of literature at East China Normal University. She received her PhD in German Literature and Critical Thoughts from Northwestern University and B.A. in comparative literature from Brown University. Her main research interests include contemporary German literature, critical theory, media studies, and video game aesthetics. Her works are seen in Germanic Review, German Quarterly, Games and Cultures, the Journal for Cultural Research, and CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. See Google Scholar.

俞果 Guo Yu 北师大实验中学在读,游戏历史、复古计算爱好者,独立游戏开发者,Retro Game Museum 发起人 Attending the Experimental High School attached to BNU; Gaming history and retro-computing enthusiast; Independent game developer; Founder of the Retro Game Museum. (

辜伦组 Guru Group 业余游戏开发者和研究员,对拼贴游戏 / plunderludics 和形式主义感兴趣 Amateur game developer and researcher with interests in videogame collage / plunderludics and formalism (

活动与发表 Activities / Press

2022.5.28 [Presentation] 上海社科院「水花雅集」青年学术沙龙「元宇宙:理论想象与实践空间」《元宇宙里的厕所会堵吗? 》Metaverse: Theoretical Imagination and Practical Space” in the Young Academic Salon "Shuihua Yaji" of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, "Is the Toilet Clogged in Metaverse ?"(叶梓涛)

2022.12 [Translation] ROMchip Vol.4 No.2 Dec 2022 Alexander R. Galloway 我如何用软件建模居伊·德波的头脑 How I Modeled Guy Debord's Brain in Software (2022) (叶梓涛-徐露)

2023.6.15 [Presentation]《Games Symposium for Oceania and the Asia Pacific》 (Melbourne, Australia / Online) "Becoming Transversal and Interface: the works, approaches of Sunset-Sway" (叶梓涛-刘圣雨)

2023.12.9 [Presentation]《「数实共生:预见数字人文未来图景」——2023年第五届中国数字人文年会》分论坛《数字人文与人工智能、数字游戏》主题报告《作为研究对象,方法,产出和教学的游戏——「落日间」在学院外的数字人文实践》" Games as Research Objects, Methods, Outputs, and Pedagogies - Digital Humanities Practices Outside the Academy by Sunset-Sway ", Keynote Report, on sub-forum of the Fifth Annual Digital Humanities Conference of China in 2023 (叶梓涛)

2023.12.12 [Lecture] 四川美术学院 视觉艺术研究院《从反玩到交汇:一次当代艺术-游戏的导览》讲座 The Research Center For Contemporary Visual Art of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, "From Counter-Play to Intersection: A Guided tour of Contemporary Art - Game"(叶梓涛)

2023.12 [Article]《广东艺术》第181期,新空间演艺中外论坛专刊《Play!Play!Play!数字时代的戏剧、表演和游戏》Play! Play! Play! Theater, Performance, and Game in Digital Age, published in Issue No. 181 of Guangdong Art, Special Issue of Theatre in Situ International Forum (叶梓涛)

2024.3.1 [Lecture] 北京师范大学未来设计学院,数字体验设计前沿趋势系列讲座《新身体与新世界——从游戏到数字体验设计101》Future Design Institute, Beijing Normal University, Lecture Series on Frontier Trends in Digital Experience Design "New Bodies and New Worlds - From Games to Digital Experience Design 101" (叶梓涛)

2024.3.10 [Presentation] 四川师范大学 “历史书写中的情与力”青年学者工作坊:“历史游戏的多重界面” by GSC 历史游戏研究小组(发言人:刘凯然-卢雅怀) GSC Historical Game Studies Group, “Multiple Interfaces of the Historical Games,” presented by Kellan Liu & Yahuai Lu at "Workshop for Young Scholars on Emotions and Forces in the Writing of History", SiChuan Normal University.

2024.4.20 [Roundtable + Presentation * 5] 北京大学 「视/世界涌现」2024 博雅国际电子游戏学术年会 Sight/Site Emergence: Launch the Multi-dimensions of the Video Game Studies 圆桌讨论《“既要…又要…”的僵局:在媒介具体性与反本质主义之间》,论文报告《论电子游戏中劳动的起源》《电子游戏可以通往异世界吗?——作为事件的陌异经验》《滑稽元素在游戏中的动因与设计:“恶作剧”“机械装置”与“反形式主义美学”》《战争游戏:冷战作为电子游戏历史起点,背景与迷思》,讲座表演《游戏研究中的纯化与杂化:批判性的回顾与实践展望》,可见《落日间游戏研究营地(GSC)在北大

